Thursday, March 12, 2009

SMS - Save Meister's Soul

The cry has gone up in the streets, the malls, the clubs and the playgrounds-----The Meister is under attack......Who - you are probably asking - can do such a heinous devilish thing??...threatening a sweet, innocent, harmless, lovable doofus like the Meister....what is the world coming to!!!!!!!

Well, when someone as pure as the falling snow.....the Meister that is...gets threatened with physical violence of the most terrible can only say that democarcy and innocence are dead......its the rule - or rather to be precise - misrule of anarchy!!!!

Here's what happened....The Meister in all innocence was bantering about bourgeois and proletariats, when the eruption took place.....just because the Meister said that the girl concerned cannot be a proletariat cause she is hot (as good a reason as any).  

Krakatoa erupted, threats of irreperable damage were issued....

Poor Meister has been terrified ever since. 


Benny Sumer Yanthan said...

Ha Ha Ha.

Petit Bourgeois, I'd say! :P

Runa said...

oh god...who on earth was the person who threatened you and who is the gorgeous girl???

Unknown said...

who u calling a bourgeois...u geordie loving toon???????????

who is gorgeous?? where is the adjective gorgeous comin from??? who said anything about anyone being gorgeous??? Only the SPECIAL ONE is gorgeous (irrespective of her hatred)

i called the girl hot not gorgeous...and she is ...guess what...related to the cultural studies group

Weaver said...

lolzzz bishock