Thursday, July 9, 2009

Foocking Blog

This version is for Benny the Prude

You do it

No you rabbit do it

Its your rabbit blog

You have rabbit taken it over now

No, I rabbit haven't!!! You are talking out of your rabbit foot mate!

Of course its yours! Even your pic is there. Don't be like the poor deluded Ovung brothers. Open your eyes.

Its you who is deluded my friend, you are now talking like a Manchester United supporter.

Hey what the rabbit!!!! Take that back, take that back right now

Ok Ok calm down calm down I take it back, nobody deserves to be called a rabbit uncouth, uncivilised, unhygenic, loudmouth disgrace to humanity.....well nobody except Ayush Prasad.

That was the censured version, now for the real stuff....

Benny the Prude look away.....

You do it

No you foocking do it

Its your foocking blog

You have fooking taken it over now

No, I foocking haven't!!! You are talking out of your foocking arse mate!

No am not!!! And what's with the reference to body parts? Don't you know that Benny the Prude will be scandalised!!!

Benny the Prude gets scandalised by anything and everything- her body is here in the 21st century, her mind is in the 16th century. Anyway as I was saying, how is it my blog now?

Of course its yours! Even your pic is there. Don't be like the poor deluded Ovung brothers. Open your eyes.

Its you who is deluded my friend, you are now talking like a Manchester United supporter.

Hey what the foock!!!! Take that back, take that back right now

Ok Ok calm down calm down I take it back, nobody deserves to be called an foocking uncouth, uncivilised, unhygenic, loudmouth disgrace to humanity.....well nobody except Ayush Prasad.

You might be wondering what this is all about. Well, this was an arguement between those two legendary lazyasses - the Meister and the Potato......the topic of arguement - who is going to write this blog. It was decided that they both will write it....

Which still leaves the problem of what to write!!!

So, they have decided that they are going to write news about their friends and acquaintances etc

Senor Paunchovilla/Sir Paunchsalot/Baron von Paunchohausen - last heard tried to jump off a cliff upon hearing that the GlasGow Beetroot has sold Ronaldo and Tevez and has instead brought in Michael 'Sickbed' Owen (probably to give company to Hargreaves, who was getting lonely being the only player sitting in the stadium while all others were playing,)....unfortunately for him and extremly fortunately for us, because of his extreme rotundity, the jumping did not go as planned...he bounced around for a few minutes and gradually rolled to a stop
come bck to the online world Pauncho, it's just not that much fun abusing the 'Arse' loving Oren brothers and the Benny the Prude - who supports Newcastle United!!!!

Lady Talksalot - is back from her brief sojourn in the western part of the country all refreshed and with an increased vigour, vim and determination to increase the profits of THAT imperialistic, capitalistic, evil company (as declared by the cultural studies hypocrites), who btw have ruined the plans of a large number of ordinary people by giving free tickets to Pottermania to its employees...Karma fought back(under pressure from 100s of disappointed kids) and gave them swine flu in return!!!

Benny the Prude - no new development, she is still a PRUDE and by now she has finished her thesis and has put her head under a blanket

Ex-Lord Botanist - some muppets tried to break into his house but was foiled in their hideous heinous endeavour by Godrej (the lock, not the person)

His Gaysalot - after finally deciding about his sexual preferences, he is apparently now a tad wee bit confused about his gender!!!!!!!!!!("bad influence of pink people")..... he was proclaiming to all and sundry that he is a "closet Bhratiya nari"....last heard he was shouting Avada Kadavara (which btw suspiciously sounds like a Telugu trying to say 'cadaver') to the Potato

Resident Bugger - still tinking otherwise dressing in atrocious blue cloured formals to the cinema

MidasDude - going around giving/taking exams and enrolling himself into MPhils and Japanese courses...respect bro respect

Bonglish Nightingale - acquired a geriatric spine

MS Brownjacket - actually got her lappy stolen (laptop not lapdog)...apprently the muppet disguising as her landlord allowed 2 luj characters to come in and browse through her stuff...when MS went to the police station, they told her (with loads of enthusiasm) that they know that there is a gang operating etc etc and a whole load of blah blah...well hulloooo get off your arses (Meister: well there you go again, now Benny the Prude will switch off her machine and go and hide under her bed, will put her hands over hear ears, close her eyes, and will start banging her head on the floor and keep declaring in Morse Code - see no evil, hear no evil, see no evil, hear no evil......)

Anyway to come back to MS, she recently went to see a juvenile comedy, got thoroughly pissed off and left mid-way to go to a bookshop to buy a sissy book....yep that's right....MS has recently become enamoured with books of extreme sissyness and she is passing off her unfortunate habit to SS as well :-(......
who btw made some comment which caused MS to BLUSH crimson/mauve/ purple/ violet/ magenta!!!!! 

She kept on blushing -

like a sissy dude coming to his in-laws' place for the 1st time,
like Benny the Prude whenever the name of any bodypart is mentioned,

in fact like SS whenever OCD Hombre is discussed -

continuously for about 10 mins....

SS (you know, that dear young lady who recently got herself a geriatic hip) - Well as mentioned before, she has caught the bug from MS, the bug of reading sissy books. The bug has transformed into other weird habits as well...for example watching extremely weird and sissy programs on television.


Runa said...

hmm...I think Benny the Prude is getting way too much of your blog ;)

Unknown said...

thats coz she is the only 21st century person whom I know who is a prude!!!!! plus she is the only Indian I know who supports Newcastle United!!!!!!!!!!!!

M Shukla said...

crimson/mauve/ purple/ violet/ magenta - was MS blushing or was somebody beating her ...

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