Friday, December 11, 2009


The Meister, having finished his office work after working like a dhobi's gadha continuously for 2 months (due to muppety colleagues, idiotic bosses, moronic clients and the Great Indian Chunkubaaz), had a free day on Tuesday. Well, it was courtesy the Potato, as when the office had called, he had picked up the phone and had told office to foock off and leave them alone for a day.
So, with a free day in hand and noone to talk to apart from the Potato, the Meister soon got bored and started thinking.

An idle mind is Lord Fergie's workshop etc etc.

Well, he thought a lot of football, which he is pretty sure none of the readers want to read about. He also thought of women, which he is sure all the readers are interested about. More specifically, he thought of 2 aspects of women.

Aspect 1- Make up

The Meister had had the misfortune of editing a course on women's makeup recently. It can safely be said that it was the weirdest piece of literature the Meister had ever read. And the most boring (keeping in mind the fact that he has just finished editing a Statistics book). Having only seen the Esteemed Nutter of the Maternal Persuasion (who as you can realise from the name is a nutter) put on makeup, the Meister was of the idea that its an idiosyncratic thingy. But now after reading about this, and after exposures to Sexy Auntie (food waster) and Lady Frustratedalot (cowdung wearer), he has come to the conclusion that all women are nutters.

Women put on chemicals on their face and body and then they put on more chemicals to remove these chemicals - all of which begs the question why put on the 1st batch of chemicals in the 1st foocking place anyway????

They actually go and pay people to massacre their eyebrows!!! What d foock is up with that!!!!!

They also put boiling hot wax on their legs to remove hair!!! Well, apparently, its not only on their legs, they also go for something called bikini wax. shudder!! horror!!! nightmare!!!!! And what's worse, some luj charcters and disgraces to the XY chromosome also go for that. These are the same luj charcters who probably shave of their chest hair and paint their eyebrows and pu on makeup. All these guys should have one side of a rope tied around their bollocks and the other side of the rope tied to an F1 car, and then the car should go around a circuit for a couple of laps. Metro-foocking-sexuals.

Hot wax on any part of the body is bad enough but the very thought of hot wax near the bollockal region makes the Meister break out in sweats.....this looks like something dreamt up by that Marquis de Sade fella.

Aspect 2 - Ayush Prasad

Now there are many unsolved mysteries in the world - you know like the presence of Nessie, the Loch Ness creature, who built Stonehenge, whether Lord fergie is really the son of the devil, the significance of the letter S in Jughead's shirt etc. Another 1 to add to the list is why women like Ayush Prasad. This is a man (and that's a term loosely used in this case) who has no dignity, no self-respect and no shame. And yet, the ladies like him.

Why? Why? Why? What is the source of attraction?? What is it that gets him all the loving and liking from the ladies while on the other hand the Meister gets saddled with complaints, accusations, snappings and recriminations????


1 comment:

Mythili said...

why am i a food waster?!?!? i never waste food!!!! grrrrrr