Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I know what u r thinking.....whats up with the link.....well this is the link of the place where the Meister struggles weekly with the language of them conquistadores....yep Espanyol

Well the Meister used to struggle with Espanyol before the weirdly named Sui Generis....untill a silly ass cama and crashed into the Meister's bike...thereby indisposing him for a month...which meant that the Meister could not atend the 2nd part of the course....

So with steelly determination the Meister had once again gone forth to make an ass of himself every week.  

One thing that has to be said is that the course at Maitrise has some of the most eclectic bunch of students ever assembled under one roof...there is The Birdgirl, SS, Mausiji, the girl who brings food, Genelia/ Gunelia/ Gonorea/ Gunria/ Gunelia/ Gurenia/ Geronimo/ Hurelio...i just don't know the girl's name...but come to think of it it can't really be Gonorea now can it?..anyway there's also The OCD Man and The Tinker AKA RHM AKA The Resident Bugger.

The Meister had given (or is it taken) a test last week and is somewhat eagerly awaiting the results....critics claim that he may pass.....although the Meister (AKA DIMWIT) himself is a bit morose coz in the article where he was writing about the love of his life i.e. the Special One he forgot the Spanish words for hair, glasses, beautiful, pleasant, sympathetic etc etc...
the numbnut!!!!!!

1 comment:

MaƮtrise said...

Thanks for putting up the link. And yeah, the name of the girl (who brings food) is Aarthi. And there is another girl whose name is Juveria.