Monday, March 16, 2009

The Meister is Pissed

Majorly, majorly pissed. As pissed as a grizzly bear whose hibernation has been disturbed.

Well ,the cry has gone out. The intelligentsia is worried. They are holding meeting to discuss the issue.
So, what are the issues? What heinous activities did human beings perform to make such a simple, calm, cool and collected individual like the Meister to lose his calm.

Well, here are the issues....
The Special One has started misbehaving with the Meister once again. She has not been replying to the Meister's messages for 2 weeks now, she has not replied to Meister's mail, she hasn't scrapped, she did not even wish the Meister on his birthday. All this after she herself sent a friend request on Facebook! The Meister is frankly getting tired of the way she is treating him. Last night, the Meister sw that she was online. He pinged her saying hi. Despite being online for the next 40-45 minutes, she did not respond and then logged off. She has been doing this for a couple of months now. Earlier her excuse was that she was busy as she was involved in the launch of a new website. The site was launched last month btw. The Meister's issue is this...if you don't want to talk to the Meister that's fine,
a) don't pretend then that you care and
b) have the decency and common courtesy to inform the Meister about that

Talking of informing the Meister, the numbnuts at Vodafone dectivated his pre-paid connection without informing the Meister. Apparently, this is the procedure for transferring from pre-paid to post-paid. The idiots never told this to the Meister and today morning at 9, all of a sudden Meister saw that his phone was saying that the SIM Registration has failed. The Meister changed the Pre-Paid Sim to the Post-Paid one, but the message was the same.

All this on the day the Meister had an interview (which he could not attend) and his parents were flying home.
Anyway, all angry and uber-pissed, the Meister went to the Vodafone office at Begumpet, where the security guard politely told the Meister that they are only going to open at 10.30. So, the Meister waited and waited and read a story book. So finally it was open, the Meister got in, the Meister explained problem, the Meister was sent to a post-paid table where a certain Ms. Haripriya (who has some..well technically only 2.... huge-ass boobs, which has got nothing to do with anything, just felt like saying it) was asigned the task to deal with him. The Meister was still uber-pissed, but since he was brought up as a gentleman, he politely but firmly explained the problem again and asked her to fix it. The lady claimed that Meister's SIM will egt activated within 6 hours. The Meister was adamant, 6 hours is not good enough. He was firm in his stand and refused to budge. She had to send a couple of ASAP mails to the techno geeks somewhere, as a result of which Meister's SIM got activated within 3 hours.

The final thing which pissed off the Meister is his chest pains, which returned after a hiatues of 1.5 days. In fact now, it is a different version of the pain.


1 comment:


well even i am pissed too...and i know exactly how you feel...