Monday, March 9, 2009

To err is human, to live in denial you got to be a head-case

Denial: to refuse to admit that you have any connection with something or someone.......(this is according to those fellows at Cambridge)

Denial is a lovely thing. It allows a person to completely ignore reality and live like one of those ostrich dudes (or is the Meister thinking of an Emu.....its that damn bird fella which goes and puts its head in the sand whenever it sees an enemy). Sooner or later, there comes a time in every dude's or dudorina's lives when he/she denies something, sometimes wholeheartedly. The reason varies - sometimes it is to avoid responsibility, sometimes to avoid punishment, sometimes to avoid unpleasantness and shame, and sometimes to get someone into trouble. Everyone lives in denial but it is only a few, very few, oh the lucky few, who can make a career out of denial. This post is dedicated to those Muppets.

From what the Meister has seen, heard, and read in his life, these following people or groups of people are masters in denial, they are champions....

1) The Whole Race of Pakistanis.....hell, the Meister does not have to explain anything about this lot, does he, they will deny anything under the blue sky, hell they will deny anything above the blue sky as well...they deserve the OJ Simpson Award for the Most Unconvincing Denial in the History of Mankind

2) The Great Indian Chunkubaaz - This lad, lives in denial about 2 things

a) the fact that he can put Scrooge Mac Duck to shame about penny pinching; Chunkubaaz is an ubermiser, he is the kind of guy who will calculate even micro-paisas when it comes to getting money but will promptly pretend to forget to pay hundreds to the Meister

b) the fact that he is losing hair faster than the speed of bullet, even faster than the rate in which rabbits and pigeons procreate, even faster than the rate in which Lady Liesalot….well….lies, even faster than Michael Schumacher, even faster than the rate in which Cultural Studies students join multi-national corporations...(and believe the Meister when he says that it was some of the fastest movements that the human mind can imagine, the rate at which the Cultural Studies people abandoned all their "issues" upon graduation when Uncle Sam came calling)

3) The Cultural Studies Group at CIEFL/EFLU - these dynamic dumdums are still living in their sheltered self-delusional cocoons vehemently denying the fact that they are the biggest bunch of hypocrites and humbugs human civilization has ever seen (these guys can teach the CPM a thing or two or even three about hypocrisy)

4) The Meister's Mother - this lady is still in denial about the Meister's humongous talent in loserliness

5) Rafa Benitez - admit it dude, you took a blunderbuss and shot your own ass, you moron, you could have taught those Japanese pilots whole courses in how to commit Hara-kiri

6) John Major, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown - still think that they are an independent body and not vassal state of them Americans

7) The Meister's Boss - the dude refuses to admit that he is a racist

8) The Portland Trail Blazers management from the year 1984 - for not accepting the fact that they had committed the biggest spoting howler and blunder in the history of sports, when they picked Sam Bowie (who??) over a certain Michael Jordan

9) Baldankur's Mother - about her son's sexuality

10) The Special One - for denying the hatred she has developed for theMeister over the last 1 year


serendipiduous said...

you know what? i think she is slowly reconciling to the fact :)

Runa said...

what are you denying?

Unknown said...

@ serendipidididii.......yep, i think she is finally managing to get out of her delusions and denials and is accepting her hatred etc....
@ wasted: me deinal?????? i never deny anything!!!! whatever bad u have heard about me is true