1. She talks about obfusication with the Meister at 3.15 in the night(or morning if you are feeling pedantic)
2. She dances and sings in the cinema hall.
3. She was usually one of the last to leave that Lawless Jungle every night. She quit that place, and joined a new place and guess when she leaves ....yep long after everyone else leaves
4. She actually used to like that Jungle when she was there, and here's the thing - she apparently still does
5. She has a crush on OCD Man....rather she is fascinated with him...OCD Man, the guy who can pick a fight with his own shadow for no being in the perfect psition; the guy who says asshole and disgusting about 17 and 19 times respectively every day; the guy who uses pork as a subject-matter in a wooing process; - SS is so enamoured with him that she keeps calling the Meister by his (OCD"s) name
6. She is scared of Midas!!!!!!!!
7. She likes Bongs!!!!!....seriously!!!!!!!!
8. She reads about those sissy vampires of Ms. Myers :-(
9. When the Meister gives her a gift, she thanks Bugger. Yep, she actually does that. Well, she has also consistently called the Meister with OCD's name throughout the last 3 years (well either she is obsessed with OCD or she is bored bythe Meister)
10. She dreams/fantasises about Mr. Mythological Spirit
Well, in the spirit of the festive season where u buy something and u get something else free, here's another reason which proves that SS desperately needs therapy -
She still calls up the Meister, goes to movies with him etc etc, and seems to like him!!!
Now if that does not prove that she is a nutter, then there's something wrong with this world.
1 comment:
This work is an original and of immense academic interest to whoever wonders WHAT's WRONG WITH SS !!!
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