Monday, August 10, 2009

You can Never Please a Woman

Meister recently created 2 calendars (you know those create ur own design and the dudes will print it wala) for SS and MS as a sort of apology for The Hangover. According to Mr. Murphy's most excellent laws, they were delivered the day after he met them. Anyway he called SS and they fixed up a time and venue for the handover. So, guess what happens. SS receives the gift and..............thanks the Resident Bugger!!!!!!!!!!
This is the story of Meister's life.......on the few occasssions that he does something nice for someone, someone else gets the credit.
To add insult to metaphorical injury, SS then complained about MS's calendar being better than her own etc etc. See MS got a Potter calendar coz she is obsessed with Potter (and with namby pamby vampires of Stephanie Myers sadly). SS, on the other hand, is obsessed with the OCD Man. Unfortunately, as OCD Man is like a reclusive celebrity who does not like his picture taken,
Meister does not have any of his pictures and so he couldn't make a calendar with his picture and give it to SS. So, being a nice guy, he did the next best thing. He used a picture of SS herself, along with the Potter lookalike Birdgirl and the Bugger. You would think that would do the trick don't you......instead there was complaints for him and plaudits for the Bugger.
All of which proves once again that it is really impossible for a man to please a woman. It is beyond the realms and limits of mere mortal male endeavour.


Runa said...

it is getting difficult for me to keep up with your names...I keep forgetting who is who.

Also, why don't I get a calender?

Unknown said...

because u get khirkadombo

Runa said...


myriadmind said...

i'm getting my bidi's replacement kheerkadambo today.
Uff bloody airlines, why do they mind people carrying smokes as long as they dont smoke it?