Monday, June 22, 2009

Potatnonama Ch 5 sub-chapter III

U guys have imagination right? well imagine a scenario..........imagine this scenario to be precise.......a spherical heavy object high up in the air flailing zoom in and imagine that spherical object to be a............. Potato 

yeah baby yeah...the Potato went parasailing

As reported earlier, after coming back from the sunrise thingy, they had breakfast (a peiod of time during which Pampered Princess had the time to...well...cry for 2 short bursts......thus making it...let's see...once while going, twice while there, twice while coming back and twice during breakfast..yeah that makes it 7 times that Pampered Princess cried between 4.30 and 8.30 in the morning)

Then they set out for that most awesome of experiences

Goes without saying that Pampered Princess did not opt for the adventure.....she claims that she is afraid of heights.....(along with all types of insects, all animals, storms, lightning, rain, clouds, loud sounds, roads, rocks, caves, water, the 4 fricking elements, darkness, the sun, etc etc etc.... of course ghosts.........and that most terrible of all things - what people think about her.......all at that tender little pre-pubescent age of 27)

Anyway, the Meister and Potato got suited up (there's a nasty rumour going around that there was some consternation and excitement during the suiting up process due to the easy unavailability of security gear of their size....there's not an iota of truth in these rumours...the Meister and Potato are individuals with model sizes)...

They got helmets, gloves, elbow-pads, knee-pads but surprisingly no abdomen guards!!! 
(Potato is of the opinion that it must have been some woman who must have devised these safety items.....these women have no consideration, compassion and idea about the sensitivity and importance of the male bollocks)

Well once the suiting up process was complete, they were made to waddle into the middle of a field where there were strapped to a foocking parachute on the back and a foocking jeep on the front...and then the jeep started!!!!

And we have takeoff people

The two went up, up and further up.....and then got bashed silly by the wind

This silly element btw must have been biding it's time.....formerly it hasn't had a foocking inch of impact on the lives of the Potato and fact the two have always regarded the destructive properties of the wind with a touch of disdain...the wind was waiting for a chance to get the two in it's grasp...and now it got it's chance for revenge.....

It literally, figuratively, drammatically, ecumenically, symbolically, allegorically, emblematically, metaphorically and grammatically kicked their ass

One second, the two were looking up to the sky, the next second they are hanging upside down, next second thet are facing second, yep you guessed it...left............all the while holding onto the parachute handle as well as the pants.......................

....................all the while suffering from existential uncertainty and horns of a dilemna

Existential Uncertainty and Horns of a Dilemna: To hold on to the pants thereby chancing a bigass splat to the ground or to hold on to the parachute handle thereby increasing the chance of giving the watching spectators a once in a lifetime vision of the family jewels (another reason in favor of abdomen can never go wrong with abdomen guards...whoever invented it deserves an honorary Noble)

Meister spent the whole time worrying about his pants but the Potato, being much more shameless, enjoyed the experience (the rushing wind, not the falling pants) a lot (despite not being in his element)

Pampered Princess was in charge of taking pictures...a safe enough word you would think...but guess what she was doing....yep you guessed it....talking with her bf on the phone and crying

Then the jeep stopped....and the earth came nearer and nearer and nearer and then.....



Runa said...

I am so so J...:O

Unknown said...

eh? u r what?? what d foock is j?

myriadmind said...

For the uninitiated J = Jealous.
Actually so am i, but what i'm more eagerly looking fwd to is seeing the potato/meister photographed hanging in the sky and wondering to go for the pants or the parachoot.
Pun Intended!