Well everybody knows that the Meister is a cultured debonair erudite gentleman. The Potato on the other hand is a shameless, amoral spud. They are two opposites of the universe like Yin and Yang (half of whom he met again recently btw :-))
Being totally shameless, the Potato recently gate-crashed a party at Fatass Laughsalot's place. To be fair to the Potato, he had called earlier to enquire about the availablity of time etc.....DevDulal was just too nice to tell him to 'foock off baldy'. Anyway he gatecrashed the party and even after realising the situation, shamelessly stayed there for a couple of hours all the while hogging sweets and icecream.
It was only when the hosts invited him to stay for dinner that he decided not to push his luck anymore and knuckled off.....(what prompted him to give off free food was some rare moment of courtesy [never stay at a couple's place for more than 2 hours, people feel uncomfortable...whether that's a general thing or Potato-specific uncomfort is another matter altogether...the Meister cares, the Potato doesn't]... along with the menu, which consisted of a salad liberally dressed with the hosts' blood and the food which gives horsepower to the horse)
So he knuckled off to get food for the Chunkubaaz and got invited by a whole plethora of people shouting at the top of their voices....Sexy Auntie had come back from the desert along with some imported alchohol
So the Potato went to that party and as mentioned above, met the Chinese Philophy Girl again, but true to form, couldn't remember her name....well it was a nice party....alcohol was flowing, India was scoring and certain people were making asses out of themselves (not the Potato though...he was elegance personified, even without underwear)
Athletic Salteater was there...first she became drunk and then she became high.....all the while she was hyper.
The Great Jelly was there...massacring alcohol by mixing things up into strange cocktails and then forcing people to drink them with a foocking spoon...btw in case u didnt know this girl can single-handedly ruin any bar, pub or restaurant which serves alcohol by serving some of the biggest shots in the history of drinking!!!
Prude was there...she got drunk on cranberry juice
And then there was the world's biggest muppet...a guy so stupid its actually impossible to find out whether he is farting or speaking!!! The dimwit regaled us with stories of a place in Medchal where he goes to get high by getting bitten by snakes...and then he said that God Guus was to blame for the manures' defeat...as he hadn't brought in 'Tavez' (sic) in d 1st half
Well, the Potato, being a guy who likes to do social service wants to help out the numbnut in his quest to get high........the Potato's foot in the dumbasses's ..well...ass
once and for all Prude, r u obsessed with the Meister's ASS or the Potato's ASS???????
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