Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Sour Taste in the Mouth

Meister had promised himself that he wouldn't do this...that he wouldn't base himself or degrade himself like this...however unfortunately, being human (yes yes he knows it seems unlikely that a human can be this ugly, but it is true nonetheless, he has a certificate and everything) he is doing it.

So here goes, a post on Ayush Prasad.

Yes, the same Ayush Prasad who burnt his own balls.

And going against his every instinct and fighting his own flesh and blood and nerves et all, Meister will try not to use a single adjective to describe said person.

Last week, there was some extreme bruhaha in campus, by that the Meister means the campus where he spent 2 years of his life. The Jatobsesser got thrashed badly by her boyfriend.....on her birthday nonetheless...poor kid...anyway, as a result entered Ayush Prasad, all paragon of virtue and beacon of morality, in the scene.

Lacking any sense of practicality whatsoever, Ayush naturally started quoting philosophy and lecturing the poor kid. The fact that she should be or might need to be taken to the doctor never entered his mind. Nor the fact that even an ice cube or a hug helps....or even food (yes Meister doesn't care what anyone says, food helps)

So once the lecture started, it continued for 3 continuous foocking days.

Now since Ayush Prasad loves nothing better in life than to talk about himself, every lecture, every moniologue, every discourse soon turned into something about him. And it was when he was talking about himself that he told the Meister that he is against the institution of marriage, how it is this and that etc etc. So Ayush Prasad had decided that he will participate in a novel form of protest against marriage.

So far so good?

Its all about the timing right?

So Ayush Prasad will protest against the institution of marriage while getting married.

So why is he getting married if he is so against the institution? Because he is scared....no this is not something Meister is alleging, this is what Ayush himself declared.

In the Meistric dictionary, there are a few words which are there to describe people like these. You know the sort of people who do not possess the courage to do what they preach.

The word hypocrite comes to mind. Woos is also applicable.

Coward is also highly appropriate.

But hey this is Ayush Prasad right, Meister guesses that while burning his physical balls, he also managed to burn his inner balls.

Another proof of which Meister received when he got to hear that Ayush Prasad himself had, as a proof of his masculinity, beaten up one of his former girlfriends.

Yes people, Ayush Prasad, the great protector of women and women's rights, had beaten up a woman.

However, since the Meister wasnt there when this action took place, he would be more than happy to delet this part of his blog and apologise to Ayush Prasad if he, or any of his friends or philopohers or guides, can prove that he didn't do it.

And he had the temerity to try and justify his actions in front of the Meister.

Anyway people,

do whatever you want Meister doesn't care.

But if you raise your hands on a woman or a child, don't do it in front of the Meister and don't try to justify yourself in front of the Meister.

There is NO JUSTIFICATION for beating up a woman or a child or for that matter anyone who is weaker than you - none whatsoever.


Anonymous said...

hmm...what was his explanation btw?

Weaver said...

its not bout being weaker... its just bout being treated like human beings (men, children & women)... a personal perspective of course :)

serendipiduous said...

wat if ayush decides to sue u ?

Unknown said...

ooooo ooo Ayush will sue me,, please what am I gonna do what am I gonna do...someone please save me

@Weaver: true true but then again human beings have been committing genocides since the dawn of humanity, Hitler, Stalin, the Spanish conquistadores, Genzhis, Aurangzeb, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Gary Neville are or were humans, look what they did....so that particualr argument may not stand scrutiny

on what grounds can he sure me exactly? I have written about what he has told me or what is considered common knowledge