Thursday, May 14, 2009

Happy Week

Well, it has been a pretty eventful week so far, and some critics have also opined that the week can be termed as "Happy days". so why have the days been happy?

Saturday was great coz the Meister went to the abode of the Resident Bugger where he met the aforementioned Bugger, OCD Man, MidasDude, SS and Miss Brownjacket, played a bit of weird criket, a bit of football and then went for dinner. They had dinner at Katriya de Royale (where Bugger got lost temporarily while parking). The food was nice, the sweets were btter, the company was awesome, and not even the fact that some fooker tried to ruin the whole thing by playing fooking KennyGesque saxophone tracks could spoil the evening for Meister. As free bonus entertainment The Meister got to ride home in an auto with OCD Man, which as anyone knows is free wholesome entertainment.

Sunday was great because Chelsea thumped the Arse was quite pathetic was like a bunch of professional football players playing against a group of teenagers. ......which btw prompted one of the Hopelessthung brothers to declare that Arsenal will be better next year...blah blah.....well they can hardly be worse can they......well on second thoughts, maybe they can...remember Benny's Newcastle??

Monday was great because the Meister recieved correspondence from the Special One, and replied back in the biggest fooking letter he has ever written..... Monday is also memorably coz one of Meister's colleagues cooked chicken for the whole office, another one got sweets, and the Boss got rotis and veg-biriyani.....all in all a pretty sumptuous affair

So thank you to 
Epicya (now if only you could make my life easier by remembering subject-verb agreements), 
Wina Aunty(now if only you could make my life easier by not using contractions everywhere), and Fraudas Hypocritus Maximus aka Boss (now if only you could make my life easier by going away to Mars)

Tuesday was great coz there were no powercuts. It is also great coz the Meister got feedback on his epic epistle - the Special One has unfortunately termed it as beauty-fooking-ful.

Wednesday was great coz Meister finally got one of them birthday party treat thingies.....dinner at Nanking. It was a double birthday - of Senorita Prudia Maxima and the Violent Bluehead. Poor Meister had to convince Prudia for an hour to get it. 
Anyway it was a lovely dinner (duh) and he got to meet (apart from the bday ladies of course) Sexy Auntie, Smiley Jellio (who btw looks thinner if that's possible) and the Athletic Salteater after a long time. All in all good times, apart from a strange incident involving spoons. However, all the other patrons, waiters etc were looking at the Meister wondering 'whats this weirdo doing with 5 girls?'

The only problem was that Meister was a little bit scared of the fact there seemed to be a neverending supply of forks within easy reach of the Violent one, who apart from being the Don of the LOLZ mafia, had already threatened the Meister with grievious bodily harm. 

But thankfully violence did not ensue and the Meister got home in one piece. 

Now if only Uglygirl and the Doomed Animator would give their promised treats, the happy week would be complete.


Benny Sumer Yanthan said...

meisterrrrrrrr!!!! :)

Unknown said...


Runa said...

oh god....who are all these people...I perhaps only know Uglygirl and OCD man...and ofcourse the Special One...but no one else...

got lost in the midst of names...SOS....

Unknown said...

Bugger: Shahir

Midas: Singhanapally

SS: Shailaja

Brownjacket: Minakshi

Hopelessthung brothers: Oren and Nchum

Epicya: Ramya

Wina: Vijaya

Prudia Maxima: Benny

Violent Bluehead: Satarupa

Sexy Auntie: Mythili

Jellio: Mhadeno Jamio

Athletic Salteater: Ruth

Doomed Animator: Guru

Runa said...

thanks...btw got pallavi's wedding gift come and have a look.