Baldankur is easily one of the wackiest guys the Meister have ever seen. Although he ignores the Meister likes crazy and is "disillusioned" with the Meister (well, let's be honest, who isn't), the Meister still loves the guy (in a strictly platonic way).
On his very first day, Baldankur managed to lose all his certificates. That was just the start of a series of misadventures, clangers, howlers, bloopers, bloomers and faux fucking pas, all of which was a constant source of free entertainment to the otherwise dreary and miserable thing called the Meister's life.
Make no mistake about it, the Meister is thankful for Baldankur's friendship, sympathy, help etc etc. The Meister is also thankful for the most delicious drink (involving syrup and icecream) that Baldankur concocted for the Meister. The Meister later tried to replicate it with fascinatingly horrible consequences.
The Meister is also eternally indebted to Baldankur for
1. introducing him to the Special One
2. bringing him close to Talksalot (not once but twice!!!!)
3. facilitating the reunion (if the Meister can use that word in this context) with the Sandman........................
Though it must be said that Baldankur himself was responsible to a great extent towards the Meister's first major fight with the Special One and the ensuing subsequent misery that entailed as well the aforementioned fight with the Sandman....the event also contributing to the Meister tendering his resignation from the executive Council, which resulted in the crash of the EC itself.
(a fact which the Meister thinks is forever etched into the subconscious of the Resident Bugger aka RHM...which probably manifests in the beard-raising antics of the Bugger on a bike with a view to to kill the Meister every time they are on the bike)......boy that was a big sentence!!!!!
Anyway to come back to Baldankur, though 'disillusioned' with the Meister, he kept in contact with the Meister even after CIEFL....still does......
Baldankur came to Orissa with the Meister and Sandman for a supposedly 3 day trip...where on the 1st day he went off with a guy who quite evidently had a crush on Baldankur. Baldankur left on the 2nd day citing tiredness and ill-health. The Meister suspects the real reason to be extreme boredom. Boredom was probably the reason behind his leaving Hyderabad before time when he came down to visit last summer.
Baldankur along with his gal-pal Ugly also have the unique distinction of being 2 out of 3 people in the whole world who have successfully manged to spoil the moviegoing experience of the Meister by continuously making obscene sounds during the entire 2.5 hour movie. ( The 3rd guy is Buz Notaman, the guy should be immediately banished to Pluto for perpetrating that hideous and heinous monstrosity called Moulin Rouge on humanity).
The Meister was asked a gazillion times by the fellow inmates of CIEFl whether Baldankur is gay. The Meister always said no to one and all. So it was only fitting that the guy actually turned out to be gay. The Meister doesn't care whether Baldankur is gay or not, it really doesn't matter. The guy is Meister's friend (despite the fact that the guy is a champion ignorer of the Meister....the guy has ignored the Meister more in the last 4 years than probably anyone else that the Meister is close to...except possibly the Special One :-().
The Meister just wishes that Baldankur would find a nice gay guy, and settle down together.....(its very hard being is the Meister's fate and he does not wish it to happen to even his biggest it is a lie......the Meister actually wishes it to happen to his High School Statistics Teacher...the bastard).
The Meister also hopes that the moronic Indian government will finally come into the 21st century and pass laws allowing Baldankur to live the way he wants to with whomever he wants to.
thank you ...
1) for the post
2) for helping me find the certificates that i lost in my first day at CIEFL...
3)for letting me be a part of the hallowed C-wing gang...
4)for bearing with my mood swings
5)for making countless trips to Kinhorns/CCD/Habisguda/Sanman and Narula's with me...
6)for helping me understanding with my first PC...
7)for befriending my friends...
8)for being teh cynic to my optimist...
9)for the gurudging, grumbling supporter to all my pet causes (read CFC and Theatre Club)
10) for abandoning mess food and accompanying me to Shanshai or bong Samiti whenever i wanted ...
11) for burning countless DVDs esoteric films which u hated, for me
Thank you...
It's a lovely post and i say this grudgingly that it is much much better than the post on me :(
But makes for a nice read. Also, Premankur's comment is very apt.
@serendipidous: hallowed C-wing gang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as far as I remember, c-wing comprised a smoker/dreamer, a sniffer/licker/ drinker/ non bather/ non brusher, a guy who burnt his balls and got regularly beaten up by his "girlfriend", a guy who kept on saying cewl and buddy, a guy who was never there, you and then there was MOI.......amongst the countless adjectives that you can use for this lot.......hallowed is probably the least apt
@wasted: what do you mean his comment is very apt!!!!!apt how??
Notwithstanding the fact that our erstwhile CIEFL, had an awesome record of admitting a most motley bunch of people, i do agree with serendipidious, C wing did have the motliest band of people, 1 can (actually cannot)imagine! Its a legacy handed down from the nijils, legshaking book reader, snifferman, smokerme, long hairs cassanova, bogeyman dragfeet (swam), sujan, sandman, the violinist, Olive, bratinda, raisuddin, pheww!! and i havent named the innumerous women who frequented / lived there @ various times...
C wing rocked !!! for all its idiosyncrasies and plurality, hell we managed to browbeat the warden in getting the toilets cleaned as well!! reminds me of the nice times I spent frolicking between Baldankur's and KT's rooms...and otherwise nice times in just the C wing.
@myriad: serendi said hallowed not motley
oooh, i forgot to mention the guy who shat in his pants
I guess misguided resentment had me not following.
However, on this post...Nicely done
And! You mentioned Me Toh!
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